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Australian Organic Emu Oil by Talyala is a range of products developed over 20 years – this natural remedy can help you with treatments and offer relief from arthritis aches and pains as well as just about any inflammatory skin condition.
Additionally, we have an entire range of specially formulated emu oil products to assist with hair growth to combat hair thinning, eczema, psoriasis of the scalp, muscle and joint pain, as well as general products to assist with healing wounds, bruises, burns and piercings faster
There are many different types of emu oil products and not all of them are suitable for all conditions! If you are in doubt, check the Uses and benefits section first.
What positive effects does emu oil have for treatments?
Our organic products have two key benefits for treatments; it is scientifically proven to have substantial anti-inflammatory properties. But combined with its (also proven) ability to penetrate deep beneath outer skin layers, that anti-inflammatory action actually gets to where it can help. This makes pure emu oil a perfect natural remedy for anything that needs soothing or is suffering from inflammation. It also makes our products the best for treatments.
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