
Customer Reviews

Emu Oil Reviews

We don’t change a thing – not the even spelling mistakes (or getting our name wrong!). We publish all reviews exactly as received from our customers.

Steve says:

"I suffer from psoriasis on large portions of my body. The scale is constantly itchy and I shed skin like no mans business. I have never had consistent relief from a topically applied product until I tried the rub. I apply it in the morning before I go to work and it lasts for hours. I no longer flake all over the place and the itching has eased off significantly."

Lyn says:

"I have arthritis in the back and suffer chronic pain but I find that the regular use of emu oil helps to ease the pain and allows me to get on with my day"

Mary says:

"At last I have found Talyala, this is better than what I used before. My 97 yr old neighbour is also extremely happy with your product. Thank you Talyala :)"

Anon says:

"This rubs in really well, and gave me fabulous relief from a sore back and neck. When we had a family gathering, my post natal daughter used it on her back, and my daughter in law used it on her post- gym session sore legs. They were delighted! I bought another 2 tubs of rub! This rubs in really well, and gave me fabulous relief from a sore back and neck. When we had a family gathering, my post natal daughter used it on her back, and my daughter in law used it on her post- gym session sore legs. They were delighted! I bought another 2 tubs of rub!"

Paul says:

‘You will be wanting to know how we have reacted to the emu oil capsules. Not alot for my wife although she has not been complaining so much about the aches in her foot. She remains an ardent user of the oil to soothe the discomfort caused by twice daily insulin injection. As for me, there has been a noticable diminishment in the nighttime aches in my hips. These were disturbing my sleep, waking me up every hour or so. Now I am sleeping for five hours, disturbed only by one call of nature. So many thanks for that. All the capsules, pill and powders taken in the past have not been so effective. There was a bonus for me. For several years I have had the unpleasantness of eczema on my right hand (palm and fingers), always with pustules. Within a week of starting on the emu oil capsules, my hand was totally clear. Not a trace of the infection can be seen. I am absolutely delighted.

Paul Calthorpe, Malaysia


Simone says:

I have suffered from psoriasis of the scalp for many years now and have tried just about every shampoo available. I always avoided wearing dark colours and was very paranoid about it all the time. I have used the Talyala Shampoo and Conditioner for about 3 months now, and although it hasn’t completely stopped all flaking, it’s reduced it by at least 90%. The extra bonus is it makes my hair so soft and shiny and I can now again wear dark clothes. I highly recommend this product to anyone with flaky scalps and I will to continue to use it on a regular basis. Thanks 


Katie says:

A wonderful friend sent me a bottle of the pure emu oil when my son was covered in a rash. His skin was rough and leathery but after 3 days of using the oil his skin was clear and soft! We use the oil as a part of our daily routine now, as well as to combat any allergy rashes that pop up.

We love Talyala pure emu oil!


Andy says:

I hv recently bought Emu oil.My head scalp n some part of my body were itch.May I know how to apply n the amount to apply on my scalp n body.thks u

Mia Murphy says:

Hi Andy, gently rub a small amount of pure oil on the itchy spots 3 or 4 times a day. A few drops of oil should cover a large area. You can also try our gentle natural shampoo and conditioner for your scalp. Best wishes, Mia


ThiVan says:

My husband has serious hand and feet skin eczema and we tried 4 different Australian emu oil brands which he could only use 2 and one of these is Talyala pure emu oil as his skin is highly sensitive. He was jokingly commented that he could be a good tester for impurities and additives in skin products. In fact, Talyala pure emu oil is the best and most superior emu oil products that we could find to date. Your emu oil is of very high quality, pure, absorb very quickly to the skin. We think that we will stick with this brand. Thank you Mia Murphy and farm for a high quality and honest product! Thanks for the moisturizer gift bottle too!


Carolyn Vicary says:

My 11 year old dog was diagnosed with early arthritis by my animal chiropractor. He told me to give her your emu oil. Now I know humans can imagine something helps when it doesn’t really but my dog hasn’t got a clue what I am giving her. The change in her has been amazing. She was in a lot of pain but has now returned to her happy self and is bounding about like a youngster again.

I have now started taking it for my troublesome knees. I will let you know how it goes long term but after just a couple of days it is already improving.

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